Best shirt ever

For students, or anyone else just too lazy to iron, this shirt is truly wrinkle-free. Do you ever wake up in the morning and realize it's Monday and not Sunday? Or for the church-goers in the audience, have you ever waken up on Saturday, only to realize that you're supposed to be in church because in fact, it's Sunday? Now, you have to get dressed in 2 minutes because you're already an hour late, so you definitely don't have time to iron. This shirt to the rescue! Once you have one of these shirts, you'll never be able to go back to wearing regular shirts that need to be ironed.
The reason I'm posting it here is because right now, it's on sale for $14.99! This is one of those shirts that is worth it's full price of almost $40, but at $14.99, it's a downright steal! To make this deal even sweeter, if you buy it through Mr. Rebates, you get 4% back, bringing the final cost to $14.99 - $0.60 = $14.39 + tax + shipping.

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