Free Sam's Club membership

Credit goes to mikedealio over at slickdeals:
College students can get $40 in gift cards for purchasing a $40 membership. College students automatically get $15 back in a giftcard for purchasing a new membership. Also, between the 15th and the 21st, Sam's club is offering $25 back in a gift card for new members. I just went to Sam's club and I got a $40 gift card back for getting the membership $40 (Champaign, IL).You need an .edu email address to take advantage of this. I am assuming that means if you can pass for a college student and get an .edu address, you qualify. Another benefit is that you can actually get two 1 year memberships using the same email account.
http://www.samsclubmemberservices...010609.pdf)|College|CollegeMemb ership
Some have had trouble stacking the deals together, so if at first you don't succeed, go the first day and get $25 off the normal membership, then go back later and say you just found out about the $15.
Edit: This deal has expired, but you can get a free 60 day trial membership to BJ's Warehouse Club. Click here to read more.
Labels: sam's club

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